Thursday, April 30, 2009

[OceanofDharma] Sanity Shines Through

Ocean of Dharma Quotes of the Week

April 30, 2009


>From the hinayana point of view, cessation means being able to prevent problems or use them up. The Sanskrit word for cessation is nirodha, and in Tibetan, it is gokpa, which in verb form means "to stop" or "to prevent." The idea of cessation is not so much being calmed down as suddenly being stopped. Sometimes gokpa refers to the final goal, the state of enlightenment, or freedom. However, in this case, gokpa is not regarded as the final goal; instead, it simply means that temporarily problems have been prevented. We have been able to cut through them, to cut them down. Having cut unnecessary garbage, we are able to develop real living sanity and to let that shine through.


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DharmaOcean mailing list

Sunday, April 26, 2009

[OceanofDharma] Rocks and Pinetrees Speak for Us

Ocean of Dharma Quotes of the Week

April 27, 2009


Along with summer's drum, we produce occasional thundershowers, wet and dry
We are not shy, We are so proud -
We can make a wound in a pine tree and it bleeds sap, and courts us, in
spite of the setting sun's shadow,
They bend and serve so graciously, whether dead or alive.
We love our pines and rocks;
They are not covered with the superstitious setting-sun chemical manure of
this and that.
We are so proud of the sky that we produce on our horizon.
Our stars twinkle and wink as if they know us,
We have no problem of recognition.
Our rocks and pinetrees speak for us.

Poem by Chogyam Trungpa. Published in EARTH PRAYERS. Source unknown.

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DharmaOcean mailing list

Monday, April 20, 2009

[OceanofDharma] Quotes of the Week: A Deeper Sense of Freedom

Ocean of Dharma Quotes of the Week

April 20, 2009


In working with yourself, you start with the outer form; then that outer form brings an inner feeling; and finally that inner feeling brings a deeper sense of freedom. So it is a threefold process. This same process could apply to anything you do. In the beginning, it is mostly a big hassle; in the middle, it is sometimes a hassle and sometimes it is natural; then finally it becomes natural. With sitting practice as well: first it is a struggle; at some stage it is both a struggle and a relief; and finally, it is very easy. It's like putting on a new ring; for the first few days it feels like it is in the way; but eventually it becomes a part of your hand.

From Chapter  Seven, "Meditation as the Path to Buddhahood" in THE TRUTH OF SUFFERING: and the Path of Liberation, page 73. Order your copy at:

OF INTEREST TO READERS: Read the quotes on-line. Each new Ocean of Dharma Quote of the Week is now being published on the Shambhala Publications' website, along with a blog by Carolyn Gimian. Go to for details.

OCEAN OF DHARMA QUOTES OF THE WEEK now has 7,159 subscribers.

Please send comments on and contributions to OCEAN OF DHARMA QUOTES OF THE WEEK to the list moderator, Carolyn Gimian at: 

Carolyn Rose Gimian

Ocean of Dharma Quotes of the Week: teachings by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche.
Taken from works published by Shambhala Publications,  the Archive of his unpublished work in the Shambhala Archives, plus other published sources.
TO SUBSCRIBE or view the quotes online, visit the Chogyam Trungpa website by clicking on the following link:
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Saturday, April 18, 2009

[OceanofDharma] Quotes of the Week: Being Meticulous Is Not Based on Fear

Ocean of Dharma Quotes of the Week

April 18, 2009


essation and salvation come to you as you become a reasonable person. You become reasonable and meticulous because you cease to be sloppy and careless. Therefore, there is a sense of relief. Meticulousness is exemplified by oryoki practice, a formal style of serving and eating food that has its origins in Zen Buddhism. In this practice you are aware of everything that is being done, every move. At the same time, you are not uptight, for once you become self-conscious, you begin to forget the oryoki procedures. This logic also applies to keeping your room tidy, taking care of your clothing, taking care of your lifestyle altogether. Being meticulous is not based on fear; it is based on natural mindfulness.

From Chapter  Seven, "Meditation as the Path to Buddhahood" in THE TRUTH OF SUFFERING: and the Path of Liberation, page 72. Order your copy at:

OF INTEREST TO READERS: Read the quotes on-line. Each new Ocean of Dharma Quote of the Week is now being published on the Shambhala Publications' website, along with a blog by Carolyn Gimian. Go to for details.

OCEAN OF DHARMA QUOTES OF THE WEEK now has 7,130 subscribers.

Please send comments on and contributions to OCEAN OF DHARMA QUOTES OF THE WEEK to the list moderator, Carolyn Gimian at: 

Carolyn Rose Gimian

Ocean of Dharma Quotes of the Week: teachings by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche.
Taken from works published by Shambhala Publications,  the Archive of his unpublished work in the Shambhala Archives, plus other published sources.
TO SUBSCRIBE or view the quotes online, visit the Chogyam Trungpa website by clicking on the following link:
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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

[OceanofDharma] Quotes of the Week: Hope Is Respect for the Truth

Ocean of Dharma Quotes of the Week

April 15, 2009


Although you may not have experienced the final development (enlightenment) yet, it is no big secret that there is a final development. You can't pretend that the Buddha didn't exist and still talk about his teachings, because he actually did it -- he achieved enlightenment. We can't keep that a secret. In the meantime, however, you could regard any sense of promise that comes into your mind, any hope that comes up, as another thought. If there is a strong desire to achieve a result, that will push you back. You could relate to hope as respect for the dharma, or the truth, rather than a promise. It is like a schoolchild seeing a professor: one day she too might become a professor, but she still has to do her homework. Similarly, particularly in the hinayana, the early stage of the path, there is a journey going on all the time.

From Chapter  Seven, "Meditation as the Path to Buddhahood" in THE TRUTH OF SUFFERING: and the Path of Liberation, page 71. Order your copy at:

OF INTEREST TO READERS: Read the quotes on-line. Each new Ocean of Dharma Quote of the Week is now being published on the Shambhala Publications' website, along with a blog by Carolyn Gimian. Go to for details.

OCEAN OF DHARMA QUOTES OF THE WEEK now has 7,022 subscribers.

Please send comments on and contributions to OCEAN OF DHARMA QUOTES OF THE WEEK to the list moderator, Carolyn Gimian at: 

Carolyn Rose Gimian

Ocean of Dharma Quotes of the Week: teachings by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche.
Taken from works published by Shambhala Publications,  the Archive of his unpublished work in the Shambhala Archives, plus other published sources.
TO SUBSCRIBE or view the quotes online, visit the Chogyam Trungpa website by clicking on the following link:
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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

[OceanofDharma] Quotes of the Week: Buddha Came Out of a Factory

Ocean of Dharma Quotes of the Week

April 7, 2009


Attaining liberation takes work. It is like making jewelry. When you go to a jeweler, he has solid gold, solid silver, or solid brass lumps hanging around that are ugly and don't look particularly ornamental. But when you ask him to make a ring or a necklace or some earrings, he gets out a lump and begins to make something out of it, and it becomes a beautiful thing. Likewise, when you buy a car, you could remember that your newly bought automobile is not born out of a lotus; it's made in a factory. It may seem as if it's born out of a lotus, but that's not quite true. It is the same thing with buddhahood, which is supposed to be spotless and fantastic. To become buddha is a final inspiration; to become buddha -- wow! But the Buddha did not come out of a lotus; he came out of a factory.

From Chapter  Seven, "Meditation as the Path to Buddhahood" in THE TRUTH OF SUFFERING: and the Path of Liberation. Order your copy at:

OF INTEREST TO READERS: Read the quotes on-line. Each new Ocean of Dharma Quote of the Week is now being published on the Shambhala Publications' website, along with a blog by Carolyn Gimian. Go to for details.

OCEAN OF DHARMA QUOTES OF THE WEEK now has 7,035 subscribers.

Please send comments on and contributions to OCEAN OF DHARMA QUOTES OF THE WEEK to the list moderator, Carolyn Gimian at: 

Carolyn Rose Gimian

Ocean of Dharma Quotes of the Week: teachings by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche.
Taken from works published by Shambhala Publications,  the Archive of his unpublished work in the Shambhala Archives, plus other published sources.
TO SUBSCRIBE or view the quotes online, visit the Chogyam Trungpa website by clicking on the following link:
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Saturday, April 4, 2009

[OceanofDharma] Quotes of the Week: Opening One's Heart

Ocean of Dharma Quotes of the Week

April 4, 2009 The 22nd Anniversary of the Parinirvana (Death) of Chogyam Trungpa


Words offered by Jack Kornfield, following the Parinirvana of Trungpa Rinpoche:

Trungpa Rinpoche was a follower of the path of the bodhisattva, the path of opening one's heart and one's life to all circumstances and all beings. His way combined discipline and openness in a remarkable fashion. I hope that speaking about him and some of the qualities that I've learned from him will help to inform and inspire the practice of Dharma for all of us.
        Chogyam Trungpa has been a tremendous supporter of the Vipassana community in America. Trungpa Rinpoche got Joseph Goldstein, Sharon Salzberg, myself and a number of others to all join together to teach in the first year of Naropa University in 1974, and after collaborating there we all began to teach vipassana in large retreats across the country. My first personal talk with Rinpoche was in 1973 at a cocktail party in Cambridge, Massachusetts, when he was thinking about starting Naropa Institute. It was a group from Harvard University, with professors and dharma practitioners. We were drinking cocktails and chatting, and he was interested in the training that I had as a monk and about my experiences in monasteries where I'd gone in Asia. Rinpoche asked a lot of interesting questions about my training. Then he said, "I think you should join us and teach at this Buddhist university we're going to establish, Naropa Institute." I was reluctant. I had some training in teaching while I was in Asia, and I had done  a bit of teaching on a very small scale while I was in graduate school. "I don't know if I'm ready to teach at that level." He was quite pleased with that, actually. He said, "Then it's clear you should be teaching.  Come on, I'll sign you up, and you'll be our teacher of Theravada Buddhism." So I went. I had met Joseph Goldstein briefly before that, but it was that summer at Naropa that he and Sharon Salzberg and I really struck up a deep friendship, and began to teach together and have led our community since then.
        Besides being a supporter in those early days, over many years Chogyam Trungpa was a great supporter of the Vipassana practice. When the great Burmese master Mahasi Sayadaw came to teach at our American centers in 1979, Rinpoche was in Europe, but he telephoned and tried to arrange a flight to come back just to pay his respects to Mahasi Sayadaw.

From "Holding the Banner of the Dharma,"  by Jack Kornfield, in RECALLING CHOGYAM TRUNGPA. Compiled and edited by Fabrice Midal. Pps.20-21.

 OF INTEREST TO READERS: Read the quotes on-line. Each new Ocean of Dharma Quote of the Week is now being published on the Shambhala Publications' website, along with a blog by Carolyn Gimian. Go to for details.

OCEAN OF DHARMA QUOTES OF THE WEEK now has 7,019 subscribers.

Please send comments on and contributions to OCEAN OF DHARMA QUOTES OF THE WEEK to the list moderator, Carolyn Gimian at: 

Carolyn Rose Gimian

Ocean of Dharma Quotes of the Week: teachings by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche.
Taken from works published by Shambhala Publications,  the Archive of his unpublished work in the Shambhala Archives, plus other published sources.
TO SUBSCRIBE or view the quotes online, visit the Chogyam Trungpa website by clicking on the following link:
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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

[OceanofDharma] Quotes of the Week: You Cannot Fool Yourself

Ocean of Dharma Quotes of the Week

April 1, 2009

You Cannot Fool Yourself

When we sit and practice, we begin to realize what is known as the transparency and impermanence of time and space. We realize how much we are dwelling on our little things and that we cannot catch any of it and build a house on it. We cannot even lay the foundation. The whole thing keeps shifting under our feet and under our seat. The rug is being pulled out from under us completely, simply from that experience of working with ourselves in our practice. When we realize that we cannot catch hold of phenomena at all, that is what is known as tondam, or "absolute truth." There is an absolute quality to the fact that we cannot fool ourselves. We can try to fool our teacher, who tells us to sit; and we might think that we can fool the dharma, which says, "Go sit. That is the only way." But we cannot fool ourselves. We cannot fool our essence. The ground we are sitting on cannot be fooled.

From Chapter Ten, "The Five Paths," in THE TRUTH OF SUFFERING: and the Path of Liberation. Order your copy at:

OCEAN OF DHARMA QUOTES OF THE WEEK now has 7,005 subscribers.

Please send comments on and contributions to OCEAN OF DHARMA QUOTES OF THE WEEK to the list moderator, Carolyn Gimian at: 

Carolyn Rose Gimian

Ocean of Dharma Quotes of the Week: teachings by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche.
Taken from works published by Shambhala Publications,  the Archive of his unpublished work in the Shambhala Archives, plus other published sources.
TO SUBSCRIBE or view the quotes online, visit the Chogyam Trungpa website by clicking on the following link:
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