Saturday, December 1, 2007

Ocean of Dharma Blog and Feed Service

I regularly enjoy the weekly email service "Ocean of Dharma" containing quotes from from Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. This serivces is provided by Shambhala Publications. Shambhala Publications has not yet set up a blog and RSS feed service for these emails. RSS feeds are a useful spam-free way to get information and can be incorported into a reader (such as Google Reader) or iGoogle gadgets. Therefore, I decided to set one up myself as a service to the community.

I won't be doing any advertising or promotions of any kind here. I will take this blog down at the request of Shambhala Publications, but I hope that will be only because their own "Ocean of Dharma" blog and RSS feed has been established.

1 comment:

leonard said...

Can we discuss your blog?

I am from Shambhala Publications and love what you are doing.

You can contact me via email to set up a phone call.
