Ocean of Dharma Quotes of the Week
March 12, 2009
Whenever there is doubt, that creates another step on your staircase. Doubt is telling you that you need to take another step. Each time there is an obstacle, you go one step further, beyond it, step by step. You walk or you jump one step at a time until you see the Great Eastern Sun. I wouldn't suggest that in the beginning you look at the Great Eastern Sun directly -- the light might burn you -- but I wouldn't suggest you wear sun glasses all the time either. In the shade of fearlessness, you can appreciate the light that comes from the Great Eastern Sun and then you can appreciate how it illuminates the colors of everything around you. Then slowly but surely, you will actually see the Great Eastern Sun directly without it blinding you. That is the warrior�s way, and that is the way that we can conquer fear.
From "Conclusion," in CONQUERING FEAR: Awakening the True Heart of Bravery. Forthcoming, August 2009 from Shambhala Publications.
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Ocean of Dharma Quotes of the Week: teachings by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche.
Taken from works published by Shambhala Publications, the Archive of his unpublished work in the Shambhala Archives, plus other published sources.
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