Saturday, September 26, 2009

[OceanofDharma] Ocean of Dharma: Open Your Parachute

Ocean of Dharma Quotes of the Week

September 26, 2009


The only way to relax with yourself is to open your heart. Then you have a chance to see who you are. This experience is like opening a parachute. When you jump out of an airplane and open the chute, you are there in the sky by yourself. Sometimes it is very frightening, but on the other hand, when you take this step, the whole situation, the whole journey, makes sense. You have to actually do it, and then you will understand.

From "Facing Yourself," in SMILE AT FEAR: AWAKENING THE TRUE HEART OF BRAVERY, coming in October from Shambhala Publications.

"The teachings presented in this book are transformational -- and especially relevant today, when so many of us are facing uncertainty and anxiety. Chogyam Trungpa shows us how to uncover our innate strength, confidence, and joy under any circumstances. I strongly recommend this book to all those seeking awakening and freedom." --Pema Chodron

Pre-Order your copy at:

Of interest to subscribers: Join Pema Chodron at Omega Institute when she presents teachings from SMILE AT FEAR, October 30 to November 1. Carolyn Gimian will present the meditation instruction for the weekend. Register at:

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Teachings by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, taken from works published by Shambhala Publications,  the Archive of his unpublished work in the Shambhala Archives, plus other published sources.
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